Sorry for radio silence on here as I have been busy making new work for my 6th, yes 6th, solo show with The Stratford Gallery, Broadway, Worcestershire this August. The idea of getting as far as having another major show with this esteemed gallery is a dream come true.
It hasn't been an easy ride for these pieces. I think the uncertainty floating around us has taken it's toll this year and I have found it hard to concentrate on one theme. It is always landcsape for me but it has been hard to keep a flowing style. I hope that the work still looks like my 'hand' but there is a little less continuity, I think due to this unsettledness.
The title for the show is Presence and the gallery have added the line 'Not looking forward, not looking back. Wholly present'.
I certainly felt present for every piece but there was a slightly different shift in direction as each group were worked. I think we have all felt these shifts over the last few years and have engrossed ourselves in whatever calms us.
Having an art practice is a blessing but it isn't always an easy choice.
Please do come along to the show. It starts on Saturday 13Th August 2022 and I shall be there from 3pm. The show runs until 3rd October but do please check with the gallery before you travel to see that they are open.
Hope to see some of you there !
